About Us

Peaceful Poplars is a place to find gifts to encourage the heart through the Truth of scripture. This business begins with a love for Jesus and a desire to share the peace I have found in knowing Him.  I get inspiration from the beauty all around me in nature and love taking pictures in the trees with light streaming through. Looking at these scenes transports my thoughts out of the struggles of the day and into a quiet peacefulness found from being under a canopy of trees.  Here, the noise of the world is turned down and I can focus my thoughts and prayers on the Creator and what He wants to do through me.  I hope you find this website to be a resource of beautiful pieces that are thought provoking and conversation starting.  Peace and Blessings!

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as a member of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."  --Colossians 3:15